1:25 PM

rants of an undecided blogger

Posted by Kien Ignacio

Funny that I find a hard time updating my blog. I'm so jealous of how my sister's blog justanotherpixel.net is doing pretty well. Come to think of it, I was the one very serious about setting up a blog months ago.

However, priorities change and schedules get really hectic. I still have work and boy, is it draining!

I get up early so I could go to the office on time, and more often than not, I end up having to do an overtime because of the workload that needs to be done that day.

After work, I go home then straight to bed. There's no time for mingling, eating, or even chatting with friends 'cause I'm so tired and I have to wake up early the next day.

Yes, all you hear from me are all my rants about my work here in the office and all, but at least I'm happy with how I'm being paid. I'm not sure if I'm getting what's worth of my hard work, but working for one pay day (that's around 9 - 11 days of work) I could earn ranging from Php. 5,000 - 8,000.

Not bad, isn't it?

But I'm looking forward to quitting this job soon. I know there are a lot of opportunities for me out there. I've got a lot of tricks under my sleeves which I know I can use to earn money (I hope blogging's one of it.).

Before the end of this year, I would finally come to a decision of what I'm going to do with my blog. I want to be different, not your ordinary money-making blogger. I want money-making just a secondary reason for blogging.

I have a lot to learn, and I'm looking forward to having a conversation with my sis so that she could guide on how I could go about this blogging.